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Annotation Property: dc:description

Annotations (3)

  • rdfs:comment "Description may include but is not limited to: an abstract, a table of contents, a graphical representation, or a free-text account of the resource." @en-us
  • rdfs:label "Description" @en-us
  • skos:definition "An account of the resource." @en-us

Usage (2)

  • dcterms:description SubPropertyOf dc:description
  • dc:description "The APC Ontology models and explains medical procedures performed in Austrian public hospitals in more detail than the non-formalized version of the Austrian Procedure Catalogue (APC) does. Additionally it offers a framework for the Austrian hospital financing system.

    Version 1.0 of the APC Ontology does not model all health interventions included in the APC but focuses on medical procedures that are related to the heart, large vessels and cardiovascular system.

    The APC Ontology represents a variety of entities that characterize medical procedures, such as the anatomical site, the procedure type, the access mode or the used medical devices. The ontology includes relationships between the classes in order to provide a better understanding of the medical procedures."